External Penetration Testing Overview

What is external network penetration testing?

External network penetration testing is the process of attempting to gain unauthorized access to a computer network by exploiting security vulnerabilities. External Penetration Testing is needed to identify and assess the security of an organization’s external-facing systems and applications. External systems are those that are accessible to the general public, and they are often the most vulnerable to attack. External penetration testing can help organizations identify and fix vulnerabilities before they are exploited by attackers.

Types of network penetration testing

There are three main types of network penetration testing:

1. Black box testing

This is the most common type of network penetration testing. The tester is given no information about the network or its security before beginning the test. This type of testing is intended to simulate an attacker who is not familiar with the network.

2. White box testing

This type of testing is done with the knowledge of the network’s layout and security. The tester has access to information such as passwords, user names, and security protocols. This type of testing is intended to simulate an attacker who is familiar with the network.

3. Gray box testing

This type of testing is a combination of black-box and white-box testing. The tester is given some information about the network, but not all of it. This type of testing is intended to simulate an attacker who is familiar with the network but not familiar with all of its security measures.

Approaches to infrastructure pen testing

There are a few different approaches to infrastructure pen testing.

The first is to use a vulnerability scanner to identify potential vulnerabilities in the infrastructure.

The second is to use a penetration testing tool to exploit the vulnerabilities that are identified.

Another one is to use a combination of both methods.

And the fourth and most critical approach is to test some critical issues using manual pentesting techniques.

External Penetration Testing Checklist

This checklist is designed to help understand the process of external infrastructure penetration testing and consists of the following steps:

1. Performing a vulnerability scan of the target organization.

2. Identifying potential entry points into the organization.

3. Identifying potential vulnerabilities that could be exploited.

4. Testing for vulnerabilities using various methods, including manual testing and automated tools.

5. Exploiting vulnerabilities to gain access to the organization.

6. Documenting the findings.

Most often vulnerabilities detected by AI Web Security network penetration testing specialists include:

1. Insufficient authentication and authorization controls

2. Insecure communications

3. Insecure web applications

4. Insecure operating systems and applications

5. Insecure network devices and services


External network penetration testing is the process of identifying and exploiting vulnerabilities in systems and applications that are exposed to the Internet. It can help you determine the level of risk that these vulnerabilities pose to your organization. External network penetration testing is a critical step in protecting an organization’s infrastructure. By identifying and exploiting vulnerabilities in systems and applications that are exposed to the Internet, organizations can reduce the risk of a successful attack. External network penetration testing should be performed on a regular basis to ensure that the organization’s systems and applications stay secure.

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